Steve Cooke

Steve Cooke

Favorite films

  • Parasite
  • Airplane!
  • Jurassic Park
  • Beverly Hills Cop

Recent activity

  • Corman's World

  • Unfrosted

  • Ring

  • Scooby-Doo

Recent reviews

  • Corman's World

    Corman's World

    Very interesting watch. Lots of great stories! RIP

  • Unfrosted


    Yikes. It’s so odd that Jerry Seinfeld only seems to take massive swings on high concept movies. Odder still that between all these over the top gags and 1600 cameos, the man clearly just wants to do observational stand up about things from his childhood.

Popular reviews

  • Best in Show

    Best in Show


    This kind of comedy taps into a specific joy that feels like lightning in a bottle. There are so many sequences where I’m either delighted by a joke or drawn in so much by the performance that it doesn’t really matter that there wasn’t a joke. What a delight.

  • Ikiru



    This movie is a masterpiece.

    Time to start working on that park I've been putting off.