
Josh Patron

Favorite films

  • The Insider
  • Casablanca
  • Crimson Tide
  • Independence Day

Recent activity

  • Star Wars


  • Collateral


  • Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes


  • The Last of the Mohicans


Pinned reviews

  • Schindler's List

    Schindler's List


    For my 1000th movie on Letterboxd I wanted to watch something special to me. I wanted to watch one of those ‘big’ movies that I had never seen, and I wanted it to feel important. I quickly landed on Schindler’s List for this, as not only had I never seen it, but as a Jewish person, I felt almost an obligation to see it, and I even had felt a little guilty that I hadn’t before. Nonetheless, I decided that…

Recent reviews

  • Star Wars

    Star Wars


    “Don’t try to understand it, feel it.”

    There are parts of me that feel like if I’m to think about this critically, I wouldn’t like it nearly as much and I’d be overwhelmed by flaws and inconsistencies.  

    Likewise, all the thing that I love about Star Wars are only vaguely hinted at and barely developed here, and are only further expanded on it its future installments. So does that mean I love it here, or am I just extrapolating from…

  • Collateral



    “Think anybody'll notice?”

    It’s crazy despite how good this is and how much I love it, it’s not even in my top 3 of Mann’s films that I’ve seen. 

    I really love the early digital feel of this, it’s has such a great rough and tactile feel to it that really captures the grittiness that the film goes for. Foxx and Cruise so perfectly capture in their performances the film’s themes of aimlessness and action in the face of reality.…

Popular reviews

  • Arthur the King

    Arthur the King

    “My dad has cancer”

    (Rapturous audience laughter)

    Stupidest movie I’ve ever seen. I want to make it clear that in no way did I actively seek out this movie, it was just the AMC Screen Unseen. 

    Honestly on reflection, I’m really not sure whether or not I’m being punked into thinking it’s actually a real movie. I truly don’t think anyone tried here. Whalberg is obviously obnoxiously bad, it’s shot and directed like a Nike commercial, and it is so…

  • Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

    Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes



    Ok. Firstly, I will admit that I do understand, and even agree with the criticisms and flaws that this does have. The pacing isn’t the best, and they probably could’ve lobbed like 10 minutes off of it. The story and writing also did leave a bit to be desired, as it felt a bit cliched and “franchised”. The movie does also feel very noticeably to be a attempt to just keep this franchise going, and lacks some of the…