
ChrisStuckmann Patron

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  • 12 Angry Men
  • Field of Dreams
  • Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
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  • The Cable Guy

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  • Monster


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Recent reviews

  • The Cable Guy

    The Cable Guy

    Rewatched this because Ben Stiller was a guest on David Duchovny’s new podcast Fail Better. He discussed how his “failure” with this film shaped his career. And indeed, I didn’t really like this movie all that much as a teenager because I wanted more of the Ace Ventura, Liar Liar brand of Jim Carrey. But it’s funny because all these years later, this plays like a highly original, unique blend of comedy and thriller, with an absolutely unhinged Jim Carrey…

  • Monster



    What at first appears to be a simple story about a parent’s concern for their child’s safety gradually becomes something much richer and poignant. A blistering reminder that we often never fully know what another person is dealing with, especially a child. If I had seen this in 2023, it would’ve been in my top ten for sure.

Popular reviews

  • Harakiri



    Absolutely riveting. I didn’t look away for a single gorgeous frame. Bless Letterboxd for making me aware of this glaring omission in my film-watching life. Without a doubt one of the best films I’ve ever had the pleasure of viewing.

  • Spider-Man



    Seeing this in theaters again after 22 years was the perfect birthday present!