ryan f

ryan f Patron

Favorite films

  • The Blair Witch Project
  • Ferris Bueller's Day Off
  • The Shining
  • Fantastic Mr. Fox

Recent activity

  • Reservoir Dogs


  • Escape from New York


  • Spirited Away


  • The Virgin Suicides


Recent reviews

  • Reservoir Dogs

    Reservoir Dogs


    Quentin Tarantino is an absolute certified weirdo, and seeing this movie certainly didn't help him out in that department. he’s pretty good at making movies, but the slurs are definitely a little much!

  • Escape from New York

    Escape from New York


    i love John Carpenter more than i could ever love myself, but this definitely wasn’t his best (and that’s okay!!!)

Popular reviews

  • Challengers



    really loved the part where i became the tennis ball

    update: i literally can't stop thinking about this movie, so i've decided to rightfully change my score from 4 stars to 5 stars. thank you, that is all.

  • Dune



    “this is only the beginning.”

    Dune is plentiful in insanely impressive visuals, which get uplifted by its many phenomenal acting performances throughout. the insane level of perfectionism and small intricacies that were consistently put into this story, as well as all of it’s tiny visual details, were always incredibly apparent throughout the entirety of the runtime. there are times when the film was just outright terrifying, and there are also times when the characters almost make you cry. that’s duality, or…