With The Fall Guy crashing into theaters and the upcoming MaXXXine topping our community’s watchlists, we’ve been reminded of how much we love movies about movies. Take a Universal Studios tour tram through La La Land, drive out to Inland Empire, then sail to Bergman Island to come up with a list of 8½—nope, kidding—ten films about the pain and glory of filmmaking. If you find yourself living in oblivion, consult these maps to the stars (lists courtesy of Olivia, Andrew and Emma), or ask Sammy Fabelman for directions. And remember: we’re looking for more Scream 3 than Scream.

Jim Cody 8 films

Eddie Ryan 44 films

Melissa 378 films

PJ Martínez 37 films

Eduardo Ramírez 24 films

DonJohn80 10 films

AronDanburg 10 films

Erin 63 films

Princess Buttercup 147 films

Daniel N. Butler 7 films

instagram.com/takenbyapicture 𐕣 🅥 X 447 films

Andrew Clarke 10 films

Andrew Franklin 22 films

Film Aesthetics 11 films

tidal 20 films

c4han 12 films

Ian 14 films

NerdsbiAsh 215 films

j 6 films

kernelkurtz 20 films

stephen 10 films

Zemfira 149 films

Flrsi 33 films

Jon Mas 15 films

certified_clown 24 films

Jonathan Marasco 21 films

Funky Yisus 15 films

Alvaro D. Ruiz 26 films

Benjamou 109 films

pattycash 8 films

William Damm 22 films

knoahtall 5 films

Pola C. 40 films

Arjo Gupto 85 films

J_NC 10 films

Cody Bentley 12 films

Stephen Hanson 12 films

Mariner35 10 films

Flicks With Friends 10 films

Drew G 10 films

MPo 10 films

optiMSTie 26 films

marina 12 films

okrc (J.Arturo) 10 films

anthony leoncio 14 films

Adam T 11 films

Rebecca 10 films

nonphenomenal 10 films

NiteOfTheWorld 10 films

Leif 20 films

BretMaverick 10 films

Kabir 16 films

Zayne 10 films

happens 5 films

Brianna 13 films

Wesley Weld 9 films

Robert Speewack Bojorquez 10 films

johnny422 10 films

FFMMDD 10 films

Lara 11 films

Heather E 10 films

nathan 10 films

drchaput1 15 films

Joshua Grossi 35 films

Brendan O'Keeffe 10 films

LRSVDR 10 films

filmplanet 10 films

Guilherme Simões Reis 11 films

Sam 10 films

JACK$ON 14 films

Rob Young 10 films

Tucker Barry Verbois 13 films

herr_weissbrot 10 films

ayşe nur 8 films

Axel Stelzmann 10 films

antoniomr96 10 films

Fred Sullivan 10 films

Marek Neu 31 films

James 10 films

CaptainNapalm 10 films

Anton 10 films

Simon Eastmond 7 films

Madfrieza 10 films

Josias Troyer 10 films

Bimmer Kurtyka 10 films

TheLocalGuy 7 films

Danny Fain 10 films

Brandon 10 films

mel 🦊 12 films

Jack Damm 10 films