Victor Xia

Victor Xia

Seattle >> Providence

Favorite films

  • The Blair Witch Project
  • Spirited Away
  • Rebels of the Neon God
  • Taxi Driver

Recent activity

  • Challengers


  • Challengers

  • Suicide Club


  • Anyone But You

Recent reviews

  • Challengers



    The modern day version of people being spooked by a fake video of a train on a screen is people fumbling for their phones when apple ringtone "Radar" goes off in the Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross score in Act 1

  • Challengers


    Churros, wine glasses, butts, brands, sunglasses, hands. The tennis ball serving as a convenient visual device, creating 2000ms lag between the corresponding airborne contortion from Zweig and the other guy.

Popular reviews
