
edil Pro

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  • Before Sunset
  • Sunflower
  • Haru
  • La La Land

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  • Training Day

  • After the Fever

  • Abigail

  • But I'm a Cheerleader

Pinned reviews

  • Challengers



    If you are a huge fan of tennis like me, then you would know that even in itself, it’s inherently–{and marketed as}–a sexual sport——short skirts, tank tops, pumping muscles, sweating, and loud noises which can easily be mistaken for moans, arousing from every single shot. But more than anything it’s the intensity with which two players lock eyes, legs, movements, and feelings, performing an intimate dance on the court. And so, it…

Recent reviews

  • Training Day

    Training Day

    Wait wait, did Ethan Hawke commit the biggest *category fraud* in Oscars history?? How the hell is he the supporting actor in this? The movie begins with him, ends with him, he’s in literally every single frame, and we follow his POV for the day. If not the actual lead, he’s at least a co-lead.

    This is one of the movies people mention when they mention Ethan Hawke, and I'm not sure why it took me 30 of his movies…

  • After the Fever

    After the Fever

    Ai Hashimoto’s long-awaited comeback in a leading role after SIX YEARS is yet another step in refining the kind of persona she’s been exploring since the start of her career—a girl (now woman) who’s lost, too frozen to break out with any expression, just perennially numb, in a film that's arduous but echoes once it’s over. 

    Marriage, as an entrapment, symbolized through frame-within-a-frame, affirming Sanae’s belief that this life with her husband— is a lie; their love isn’t real. Her…

Popular reviews

  • Leave the World Behind

    Leave the World Behind

    leave this movie behind.

  • Soulmate


    the space between 2 matching earrings,
    the space between notebook doodles and exhibition walls,
    the space between seoul and jeju island,
    the space between sunlight and shadow,
    the space between 27 and forever,
    i will find you there.

    i like you but it's not seen,
    just like the mole on your cheek.
    i like you but you won't lean,
    my shoulder is empty
    & i’m missing you.

    waiting for your postcard from lake baikal..

    [ Summer Milky Way ]

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