Catherine Buchanan

Catherine Buchanan Crew

Favorite films

  • All of Us Strangers
  • Spirited Away
  • Rear Window
  • Challengers

Recent activity

  • Challengers


  • Monica


  • Citizen Kane


  • The Boys in the Boat


Recent reviews

  • A Single Man

    A Single Man


    So Tom Ford, meticulous.

  • We Are the Best!

    We Are the Best!


    A sweet movie about 3 young punks in 1982 Stockholm. Hijinks and adventure!

Popular reviews

  • All Is Lost

    All Is Lost


    An engaging movie - with no dialogue and nothing resembling a plot twist. So much of the drama is generated from small movements and expressions.
    I'd like to imagine Redford's script/direction was " potter about the boat fixing things. Look weathered".