Four Favorites with Colin Farrell, Kirby and John Sugar

Colin Farrell stars as a cinema-loving private detective in AppleTV's Sugar. Naturally, after getting his four favorite films, we asked Farrell, Kirby, and Amy Ryan to name his character's four favorite films.

Four their personal four favorites, Farrell and Kirby each chose an animated movie classic and a film that always makes them laugh. However, it was the four favorites for their series lead that showed the most camaraderie between them. For that, Kirby and Farrell each chose a film from John Huston's filmography. But Ryan, who gave us her four favorites on a separate occasion, had the biggest surprise in store after Farrell stole her noir pick, Sunset Boulevard, for Sugar.

Read up for more info on the streaming series in Dominic Corry's interview with the show's creator, Mark Protosevich.