Rafa Sales Ross

Rafa Sales Ross Patron

Big on cats and movies • Writer for hire with words on Letterboxd, Variety, Sight & Sound, Little White Lies, and more.

Favorite films

  • Harold and Maude
  • Melancholia
  • Dead Ringers
  • Master, a Building in Copacabana

Recent activity

  • The Cotton Club

  • One from the Heart

  • Rumble Fish


  • The Outsiders


Recent reviews

  • The Outsiders

    The Outsiders


    “It ain’t long enough. Sixteen years ain’t gonna be long enough.”

  • Finian's Rainbow

    Finian's Rainbow

    I… Am speechless for once

Popular reviews

  • The Eight Mountains

    The Eight Mountains


    Luca Marinelli wears a big silver hoop in 80% of this: cinéma

  • Maestro



    As a Latina I can’t get past English madam Carrie Mulligan constantly bringing up sayings from her homeland of Chile throughout this perfectly well-crafted but emotionally contrived film