Tom Fletcher

Tom Fletcher

Favorite films

  • Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
  • Paddington 2
  • The Royal Tenenbaums
  • The Matrix

Recent activity

  • My Cousin Vinny


  • Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes


  • Bullet Train


  • Cousin Ben Troop Screening


Recent reviews

  • My Cousin Vinny

    My Cousin Vinny


    This is Marisa Tomei's film.

  • Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

    Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes


    Following the legacy of the Caesar Apes films was always going to be a challenge but Kingdom does well to continue the story and examine what a legacy truly is.
    If there's one thing to take away from any of the Apes films, there's never really a happy ending.

Popular reviews

  • Escape from the Planet of the Apes

    Escape from the Planet of the Apes


    This third installment actually does something different by bringing some apes from the future back to the past. Initially leaning quite heavily into the comedy but then pivoting into darker territories as man discovers more of the future that awaits them.

  • Beneath the Planet of the Apes

    Beneath the Planet of the Apes


    As a follow up, Beneath attempts work in some lore and history but goes absolutely off the rails in the final moments.
