22, I take this app in such a seriously unserious way that I really don't think I can explain
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Fire of Love 2022
heya babe, wanna completely abandon our career paths and spend our lives studying and observing volcanoes together? xoxo
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The Fall Guy 2024
So enjoyable and fun when it gets stuck into all the stunts and action, but man it loses so much of that momentum in the middle; thankfully picking it back up for the finale. Could certainly lose 10-15 minutes of the runtime and be so much tighter for it. Still, when its highs are that high, it makes for a bloody great comedy action flick.
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Black Mirror: Joan Is Awful 2023
This episode is going to age like milk in a decade or two when Netflix releases AI generated content and they have to dig themselves out of the ethics related hole they dug for themselves.