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  • Apocalypse Now
  • The Godfather
  • La Haine
  • The Master

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  • Jaws 2


  • Inherent Vice


  • Everything in This Dream

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  • The Wages of Fear

    The Wages of Fear


    Before being hanged, my father asked to take
    a shower...If I've got to be a corpse, I want to be — presentable.

    Like watching an elephant try balance on a razor's edge. Non-stop tension from the first frame and a final act that shocks you to silence.

  • The Vanishing

    The Vanishing


    The only movie to ever leave me feeling physically uneasy and disturbed, Sluizer's 1988 film The Vanishing is terrifying in its commitment to showing the horrors concealed within the facade of normality. How many Raymond Lemornes do we walk by or interact with – in passing or at length – each day? No fancy film techniques are used, and there is no movie magic; we are left only with a visceral feeling of disgust and despair.