
nonphenomenal Pro

Favorite films

  • Brain Damage
  • Harold and Maude
  • Old Joy
  • Stranger Than Paradise

Recent activity

  • Donnie Brasco

  • Old Joy


  • Asylum


  • Ran

Recent reviews

  • Donnie Brasco

    Donnie Brasco

    Generally thought it was good but I think they could have done more with the fact that Donnie is an FBI agent.

  • Old Joy

    Old Joy


    Saw this at the Metrograph Kelly Reichardt retrospective. She was there for a Q&A afterwards. Transcendent experience for real. Every time I watch this movie, it gets sadder. Somehow.

Popular reviews

  • Ran


    Truly epic in scope, and amazing colors, and amazing performance from Tatsuya Nakadai

  • Stop Making Sense

    Stop Making Sense

    I have zero attachment to The Talking Heads but I was very much into this movie so good job all around.