
kernelkurtz Patron

“Ever wish you were the moon?”

Top 4 are my favourite first watches of 2023

Favorite films

  • All That Jazz
  • Dead Man
  • Phantom of the Paradise
  • Fallen Angels

Recent activity

  • Dream Scenario


  • Great Expectations


  • The Empire Strikes Back


  • Miller's Crossing


Recent reviews

  • Dream Scenario

    Dream Scenario


    Potential classic that's tarnished by a misshapen conclusion

  • Miller's Crossing

    Miller's Crossing


    This might be the Coen brothers best movie and I'm surprised I hadn't heard a whole lot of buzz around it (but that could just be ignorance on my part). Gabriel Byrne is an underrated leading man, and the way suspense is built across each intercutting sequence of characters, situations and mysteries is phenomenal.

Popular reviews

  • Nowhere



    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

    This film has almost exclusively good reviews here, and for what? The film is 78 minutes of fucking nonsense, random shit happens out of nowhere, like a space lizard abducting people for research and a man fucking bludgeoning someone to death with a tomato soup can when we haven't even seen the two in a room together before. The dialogue is trashy, the camerawork is shit, and the set designers talents are wasted on such a bullshit film.

  • Do Revenge

    Do Revenge


    Really, REALLY terrible.