Holy showdown, Batman! It’s manga madness! This is the big one, people. The hardest ask. The greatest invitation for controversy in Letterboxd Showdown history (so far). Name your top 10 comic book adaptations. Yes. Ten great graphic novels on film. But only 10 (we’ll ignore positions 11 and above when calculating the results). So that means not just tagging an old list of 100 ranked adaptations. It means taking stock of everything that makes for a successful transfer from graphic panel to silver screen: who embodied the characters best; how well the artwork translated; if the spirit of the dialogue remained intact; and whether it was weird enough or just watered down.
Most mentioned

Shawn Stubbs 25 films

Gustav Thoreson 25 films

The Kino Man 92 films

Wade McCormick 100 films

FilmGuy1997 10 films

Josh 10 films

brandonfallat 20 films

Michael 15 films

Conor 10 films

Eric Jones 10 films

SideBySide 112 films

Ethan Williams 183 films

Stuart 51 films

TheRabbidCow 25 films

CondeAllie 52 films

DonJohn80 10 films

Caleb Simmons 10 films

Chuck Nora 66 films

JP Dalton #ReleaseCoyoteVsAcme 10 films

george_kaplan 10 films

GargusSCP 10 films

battybats 18 films

Stephen Hanson 10 films

Kyle 10 films

Milo Miles 15 films

Milo Miles 23 films

Kurosawa 10 films

CosmicMonkey 10 films

Ayden The NinjaPirateBear 10 films

Chad Marriotti 8 films

carter_sauce 10 films

jackkyser 12 films

DBC 10 films

Jacob 10 films

Beeeeeees 10 films

Matthew Noble 10 films

David Carroll 13 films

FilmFanatic7 10 films

Conor Wade 25 films

Miro 10 films

Eamon 10 films

Daniel Charchuk 10 films

DisposableMiffy 10 films

Scott Bailey 10 films

Andreas Mortensen 10 films

Robert Berlin 8 films

Lane Stanberry 10 films

Calvin 10 films

Mike Bills 10 films

Bailey 11 films

Brett Schutt 10 films

Brittany 10 films

Buboven 15 films

Eigne 10 films

Susanna 10 films

Scott Kelly 10 films

Kelcey 10 films

Mattie Lucas 10 films

eunan nwachukwu 50 films

Gals 10 films

elvisisking 11 films

🧀 Almer 9 films

Roman Colombo 10 films

MarkC 19 films

alaharon123 10 films

Ryan Silberstein 10 films

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Paul Blyth 10 films

connor bluRay 3 films

VladimirVader 10 films

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TajLV 10 films

Tripp Burton 10 films

Evelyn Undead 10 films

Caleb Gowett 10 films

Bernmig1 10 films

Krustoff 10 films

Alex Case 10 films

Davormkd 10 films

Nicolas 10 films

improbable 10 films

John Villarose V🌹 10 films

cinephile_one 7 films

Leonard Shelby 11 films

JonTheMantis 10 films

Ruth Scouller 25 films

Katerina P. Trichia 21 films

gartenlaub 10 films

autum 15 films

annaew79 10 films