A million or less. What can that buy on screen? We want your top 10 low- and micro-budget films (with budgets at or below US$1m according to IMDb). Under-funded films with lasting legacies, whether they captured a zeitgeist, were so-bad-they’re-good, or introduced the world to incredible new talent. Maybe they grossed a hundred times their budget. Maybe they spawned a franchise. Maybe the city I thought would bring me luck brought only a curse. Maybe nothing really happened at all (Blair Witch, we’re looking at you). A limited budget won’t always put a limit on creativity, so we’re here to celebrate the filmmakers that studios ignored and investors just didn’t understand, and all the cast and crews they convinced to help bring their crazy ideas to life.
Most mentioned
Boston Skinner 1 film
Max 7 films
Ryan 19 films
george_kaplan 10 films
Chad Marriotti 10 films
cerpts 10 films
Beeeeeees 10 films
Nick FW 10 films
David Carroll 11 films
E.M. Lees 10 films
David Kuskie 10 films
Zheddy 10 films
Miro 10 films
Apfelesser 3 films
Ayden The NinjaPirateBear 5 films
Ronny The Explorer 10 films
Robert Berlin 10 films
Davormkd 10 films
🧀 Almer 11 films
DisposableMiffy 10 films
nwak 8 films
Darren 10 films
Kyle 10 films
Kyle Bailey 10 films
Bethany 10 films
DonJohn80 10 films
Mike E 10 films
Brittany 10 films
Dominiki 11 films
goodbyesolo 10 films
Scott McCullough 12 films
Serpentine23 6 films
Scott Kelly 10 films
kierstonwoodley 10 films
Landon 10 films
Eric Clark 10 films
Erik [Auk] 10 films
Ethan C. F. 🐇 10 films
Hannah D 10 films
Allison M. 🌱 10 films
TajLV 10 films
BEARM1LK 10 films
James Curtiss 10 films
Stephanie 9 films
🇵🇸 Asif Khan 🍉 10 films
jmmink 19 films
elvisisking 10 films
Chris Coke 25 films
Sera Ash 8 films
Florin Scanlon 15 films
BremenAlex37 12 films
Ian Floodgate 5 films
Cassie Kimbrel 10 films
Andreas K 22 films
somelocaloser 10 films
Ella Keymer 8 films
Buboven 10 films
Pete 8 films
Jojo/Lily Maben 9 films
Kyle 5 films
alaharon123 8 films
Scott Bailey 15 films
H.I. Otis-Martinson 10 films
Jason Dolan 10 films
P DIVI 10 films
Gino 10 films
Luis_989 27 films
Tomakaze 10 films
battybats 10 films
Kurosawa 16 films
maddy 10 films
Andrew Pope 22 films
Eduardo Morais 10 films
SAJ77 20 films
frantakiller 10 films
hessli 6 films
Forrest With2Rs 10 films
Luke Evans 10 films
Jim Cody 10 films
Sharky Blue 10 films
Julie 1 film
Rory 10 films
Jason Szabo 14 films
Soiled Celluloid 11 films
John Ananias 10 films
Gabriel Jewett 10 films
meekMilligan 21 films
Miguel_Sanchez 10 films
lonestarr357 6 films
RJMacReady 20 films