It isn’t that I don’t like you, Susan. After all, we’re just a film lovers’ social network, standing in front of the Internet, asking it to love us. This Showdown celebrates the very best of the romantic comedy genre and its film godmother, the screwball romance. From fast-talking farces to schmaltzy meet-cutes to 21st-century indie love stories, give us your top 10 rom-coms across the decades. We’re looking for interrupted weddings, desperate dashes, girlfriends-in-comas, quirky side-kicks, teen blackmail, modernized Shakespeare, and grand gestures that were cute in the 80s but now feel a bit creepy #metoo #timesup. Just one thing: you can keep your flash-mobs. (That trope has died out, right?) See you at the top of the Empire State Building, midnight.
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