It’s time to buzz the tower. Welcome to the first Showdown devoted to one human, and what a human he is (possibly descended from a clam, who knows). Love him or hate him, there’s no denying the box office power of actor and producer Thomas Cruise Mapother IV. 19 of his films have grossed more than US$100 million, and he’s the eighth most bankable star in the world right now (that could change once Mission: Impossible – Fallout and next year’s Top Gun: Maverick are cashed up). But that’s just money. We are looking for your all-time best Cruise performances. The acting roles that made you forget it was Cruise you were watching—or that made the most of the very fact of Cruise himself. Rank up to 10 picks and write your reasons in the notes. Hasta lasagna, don’t get any on ya.
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