We are Searching for the best films involving computers, the internet, hacking or the wired world. Movies in which a computer—and we mean a desktop or mainframe computer, not a humanoid—is a full-blown character, complete with snarky AI personality. Or movies where the protagonist is a hacker/blogger/lost Indian child, dependent upon their device. Channel your inner geek, beat the algorithm, prove your eXistenZ.
Electric Dreams
Best films involving computers or the net
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Most mentioned

Matthew Buchanan 10 films

Ivan 5 films

V. Vargas 10 films

preisman 10 films

Zane 10 films

Nick FW 10 films

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tosler 10 films

John Quinn 13 films

Dani 7 films

Random 🎲 Arnold 10 films

🧀 Almer 13 films

Kyle 16 films

Reigntall 9 films

Conor Wade 15 films

RJMacReady 10 films

Patrick Russell 10 films

hunterjames 10 films

Kyle Bailey 10 films

george_kaplan 10 films

nwak 5 films

Andrew 8 films

Tamara 10 films

Brittany 10 films

{Todd} 9 films

katharine 1 film

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TajLV 10 films

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Poocy 31 films

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Nichtsbesondern 11 films

alaharon123 1 film

Buboven 9 films

INLANNET 15 films

H. Marino 8 films

Tears_in_Rain 10 films

elfflame 17 films

Haniel Barbosa 4 films

Tuhin Das 14 films

Mike E 10 films

lurk_moar 10 films

Shannon Hubbell 6 films

Florin Scanlon 15 films

dobata 21 films

earthbound 10 films

Michael Chan 7 films

Gamgee 10 films

Luis_989 21 films

Sir William Rose Blake 20 films

Gemma G 3 films

Ronny The Explorer 10 films

gartenlaub 10 films

Jonny G 10 films

OldLee 10 films

Jessica D 22 films

Hayden 6 films

Those Eyebrows 9 films

scorpiofire 10 films

Phate 10 films

DisposableMiffy 10 films

Michael SweatpantsDisco 10 films

Lauren Stoolfire 10 films

Todd 7 films

David Keyes 11 films

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Skeldal 17 films

Darren 10 films

Ryan Silberstein 10 films

Britny 10 films

vosgear 10 films

I \V N 🗺 17 films

Tim Daugherty 10 films

salanderlisbeth 10 films

hessli 5 films

Daniel Charchuk 25 films

𝖘𝖊𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖎𝖓 10 films

Jaimin Patel 14 films

Gabriel Jewett 10 films

Kash Hammer 5 films

SCF 23 films

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Keith Adams Jr. 10 films

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