From locked-off lenses that allow the actors to do their work without interruption, to expertly choreographed tracking sequences, this Showdown celebrates the very best long shots. It’s a shout-out to the production and lighting designers, assistant directors, stunt coordinators, focus pullers and every other crew member whose work is vital to long-take masterpieces. Often the best long takes are those that deepen story without us even noticing there hasn’t been a cut; other times we love an obvious set-up. It’s all personal, and we’re okay with a sneaky whip-pan to disguise the odd shot change, so get your top tens in before the director calls “Cut!”.
Most mentioned
Kash Hammer 9 films
Jojo/Lily Maben 10 films
Vinny Thornburg 10 films
John Quinn 10 films
Nichtsbesondern 8 films
Skeldal 15 films
preisman 10 films
Chad Marriotti 10 films
george_kaplan 10 films
Daniel88 8 films
Wilson Carter 10 films
Jan_T 6 films
Ivan 10 films
Ryan Stockstad 10 films
Conor Wade 5 films
kierstonwoodley 10 films
RJMacReady 20 films
Kyle 16 films
haxen 16 films
hunterjames 33 films
Kyle Bailey 10 films
Nate Hartley 10 films
Stotty 30 films
Caitko 10 films
Brittany 10 films
donovon 5 films
Wearon 6 films
e 13 films
Graham Williamson 10 films
Fran Freeney 5 films
Andreas Mortensen 20 films
Ryan 25 films
Tim Daugherty 6 films
elvisisking 18 films
James 10 films
Luis_989 17 films
Kurosawa 13 films
Rue Lumbroso 10 films
Todd G 10 films
Darren 8 films
NotInChicago 9 films
Mario Monopoli 10 films
Pedro Crispim 10 films
Roger Hazeldon 10 films
🧀 Almer 10 films
H. Marino 10 films
Keith Adams Jr. 10 films
Saumon 10 films
David Keyes 14 films
Kyle 4 films
ozmodiar 10 films
Rye Bread 10 films
Rory 10 films
DisposableMiffy 10 films
Ramsay 22 films
Dwij 15 films
Buboven 12 films
Jacob 10 films
Stefan 11 films
Slammy Hoboken 9 films
Mike E 10 films
The Surge! 13 films
Or 🎬🏴☠️✨ 10 films
Sam 3 films
MovieCars 10 films
Scott Kelly 20 films
Christopher DeSanty 10 films
Chris 11 films
V. Vargas 10 films
DudeLebowski 13 films
ricardotnet 10 films
Chris Nebe 10 films
Michel 10 films
Marcus 11 films
🎥 Jackson Garland 📼 10 films
Bobby Harris 10 films
Those Eyebrows 30 films
Daniel Charchuk 25 films
aprilxiong 10 films
Lauren Stoolfire 10 films
wilson 8 films
Jason Szabo 8 films
dadgumblah 10 films
Dielfo 12 films
Zheddy 10 films
Taylor Ramey 5 films
Joshua Brown 8 films
bleary 10 films
Captainbarred 5 films
Izarre 10 films