Last year we asked for your favorite Halloween films. This year we’re narrowing it down and closing in on your top slasher flicks. The criteria: the killer is human, whether or not they wear a ski-mask or are otherwise deformed (we’ll allow a human soul inhabiting another form); and there’s a high body count, even if the villain is ultimately stalking one particular victim. It’s time to get your gory lists in order, so lock the doors, don’t answer the phone, hide the power drill, and for the love of Jamie Lee Curtis, don’t go in the house.
Most mentioned
Richard 658 films
Happy Camper 113 films
Leif 36 films
James 264 films
Leif 10 films
Leif 26 films
Leif 10 films
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Leif 18 films
charlie 195 films
TTVMovies 67 films
Paul 217 films
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PincheVieja 25 films
cac_viewer 36 films
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lurk_moar 10 films
Zane 10 films
Zheddy 10 films
eunan nwachukwu 707 films
therealavenger 14 films
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crustykid 1 film
DBC 10 films
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Robert Berlin 10 films
djaha 1 film
Jon Hillman 10 films
Geoff T 66 films
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Kyle Bailey 8 films
MysticSpoonAttack. 43 films
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Zane 10 films
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BinaryEsoterica 10 films
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Alex K. 10 films
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Buboven 10 films
elvisisking 16 films
Conor Wade 5 films
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meekMilligan 12 films
tosler 10 films
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