Grown ups be crazy. This Showdown celebrates the brave, funny and loyal young heroes of the silver screen. Kids who stand up for what’s right, friends who stick together when things go wrong. A little guy saving an orca, a girl riding her whale, a kid home on their own, the boy who lived. List up to ten of your favorite films of any genre where the kid is the hero (even if they were to blame for opening the gates of hell in the first place). And whatever just happened, blame it on the pig.
Most mentioned
Siena 🌞 18 films
quadrophenia17 22 films
Jimi R 10 films
hessli 10 films
Mike 10 films
Saumon 10 films
Alice 9 films
Ivan 10 films
DisposableMiffy 10 films
Davormkd 10 films
Zane 10 films
Kurosawa 20 films
Chad Marriotti 10 films
Andreas Mortensen 10 films
Brett Hudson 10 films
Slammy Hoboken 8 films
Stephen Hanson 10 films
tosler 10 films
elvisisking 27 films
Dani Simpson 10 films
Conor Wade 20 films
improbable 10 films
Wilson Carter 1 film
David Carroll 2 films
Kyle 18 films
Captain Rowdy 13 films
Dharma 10 films
Ryan Terry 22 films
V. Vargas 10 films
{Todd} 10 films
Robert Berlin 10 films
CarcinoGent 10 films
Patrick_Z 10 films
Or 🎬🏴☠️✨ 15 films
Florin Scanlon 15 films
Shawn Bird 10 films
NotInChicago 12 films
Heather 10 films
Chris Nebe 10 films
Sebas 19 films
teradactylia 13 films
Annikin 10 films
Austin Green 10 films
Vox 16 films
A_Comet_Appears 10 films
Chris Coke 10 films
Amarillion 8 films
VV 17 films
Youssef ✨ 10 films
Christopher Rude 10 films
hypnagogie 10 films
Adam Fromm 10 films
hailee 10 films
Lauren Stoolfire 10 films
Rye Bread 10 films
Soiled Celluloid 11 films
kierstonwoodley 15 films
Nichtsbesondern 13 films
filmplanet 20 films
Ede 10 films
Ede 25 films
Sabba 10 films
Annachiara 10 films
Luis_989 17 films
Michael Peers 10 films
🌸 ilona 🌸 24 films
Brett Schutt 15 films
lurk_moar 10 films
Kyle Bailey 10 films
Kyle Dekker 10 films
Darren 10 films
Blaine 20 films
Tom 10 films
Jaimin Patel 17 films
Allison M. 🌱 10 films
sofì 15 films
Muhammad Talha 10 films
Lee Hanyo 10 films
Jason Tucker 8 films
Tim Daugherty 10 films
E.M. Lees 10 films
Rory 10 films
Claude Bunce 10 films
JonTheMantis 14 films
David Keyes 10 films
Tomer Levy 10 films
Beatrice 10 films
Nate Hartley 10 films
RJMacReady 10 films
Paul O'Loughlin 10 films