A Showdown for all the slackers, clerks, road trippers, stair-takers, navel-gazers and sister’s sisters, this is a celebration of all things indie, new talkie and mumblecore (a term coined by Eric Masunaga, sound mixer on Funny Ha Ha). Love ’em or loathe ’em, these lo-fi chat-fests have an eloquent ineloquence in the way they reflect the in-betweenness of contemporary (mostly white, mostly American) 20- and 30-somethings. A realm of film genre as vague as the movies that fall within it, we’re looking for entries that exhibit the hallmarks of 90s-onwards indie talkies: micro-budgets; low-tech, DIY aesthetics; long, improvised conversations; naturalistic dialogue; a Duplass brother; and a plot-line thrown somewhere in the mix.
Appropriate Behavior
Best indie/slacker/mumblecore films
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