To celebrate our new JustWatch partnership, tell us the top ten streaming original feature-length films you’ve been catching feelings for. Whether you’re in Chi-Raq, Roma or Manchester by the Sea, list your favorite Netflix romances, Amazon Originals, HBO documentaries (yes, cable counts!) et al. Films qualify if they were commissioned and financed by, or bought for wide release by, a streaming service (and ideally, though not always, championed into cinemas). So set it up, and we’ll be happy as Lazzaro. Otherwise, you were never really here.
Most mentioned
Leif 10 films
Leif 20 films
Ivan 10 films
KWIKFIRE 15 films
Em 10 films
Juan Pablo Ghivarello 10 films
Vinny Thornburg 10 films
Soiled Celluloid 8 films
buzzedAldrin 7 films
Andrew 10 films
Sindre Haram 10 films
Angelo Cordeiro 10 films
Adam William 10 films
frylockbox 8 films
Jacob Peterson 10 films
serene 4 films
Conor Wade 14 films
StudioHibari 5 films
pegaflo 10 films
Mitchell Johnson 10 films
Rackve 10 films
em 10 films
Kyle 6 films
jackkyser 39 films
Leighton Trent 10 films
Keith Adams Jr. 10 films
Sophia Suazo 10 films
Caleb Villa 10 films
Kilian is Predeceased 10 films
P Bauer 10 films
Annikin 10 films
patty hearst 13 films
Johanna 10 films
Logan Caldwell 10 films
Matt Larsen 10 films
Dónal 5 films
hessli 5 films
Dielfo 13 films
Nicolas Inard 10 films
matthewpchen 10 films
Rye 7 films
Hayden 10 films
Gals 10 films
Sucheing 9 films
Jason D. Brown 10 films
Bernard Ozarowski 10 films
jeberman19 10 films
Tamara 10 films
Troy Peterson 12 films
Katie 10 films
Kurosawa 12 films
Kahkalack 10 films
Vivian 33 films
Zheddy 10 films
miserypop 8 films
Brittany 10 films
Jeff Estrada 186 films
John Quinn 13 films
A F 10 films
hunterjames 10 films
Logan 10 films
Joel 🍍 10 films
mitchm 10 films
DonJohn80 10 films
Rod T 9 films
shaex25 10 films
Austin 10 films
Madally Wurlpiz 10 films
Julia 10 films
essgeekay 10 films
Stefan 10 films
Isla Scott 10 films
olivia 10 films
radnom_ 10 films
Daniel G 20 films
Adel_Ramen 10 films
arne_d 8 films
Valdac 10 films
Hristo 10 films
Clara 5 films
Max Covill 10 films
Gail Waters 10 films
Sean Naughton 10 films
sankris 10 films
John 10 films
Rodj 10 films
David Carroll 10 films
cublikefoot 10 films
Kyle Bailey 10 films
Ezra Cubero 10 films