It’s sweater weather, film lovers (in the Northern Hemisphere at least)! Time to nominate the ten coziest movies you’ve ever watched; the films that make you think of marshmallows roasting, leaves crunching underneath, of nostalgic moments and the romantic promise of the holiday season… of darker nights and menacing spirits… (but Hallowe’en is next month, so hold your wild horses on that front).
Most mentioned
memorian 66 films
Milka 59 films
Nadjah 💖✨ 20 films
Austin Sipes 11 films 𐕣 🅥 X 209 films
alessia🌿 80 films
Jitender 87 films
Karishma 257 films
whatisarhizom 40 films
Ivan 10 films
o 37 films
Andy Young 40 films
Hannah 90 films
ryan 76 films
okrc (J.Arturo) 10 films
Eric Browning 19 films
ScantySama 10 films
EmilyAvocado 9 films
helena 10 films
festerwretch 10 films
Lena Vinta 13 films
Hitchcock Barbie 10 films
RoadLZRD 10 films
funnybair 5 films
tara 10 films
Gabriel(a) 9 films
milena 20 films
JTFX 10 films
James Curtiss 10 films
Rob Trench 10 films
Landen 🦭 10 films
Lou 17 films
Niall Hassett 10 films
Zach 10 films
shivbc 15 films
rudybootie 10 films
Stephanie 10 films
Nichtsbesondern 15 films
Zane 10 films
scottzelligan 10 films
cryoshell1138 8 films
Aspiefuck 12 films
Mary Herrera 10 films
Paul Dilger 10 films
AronDanburg 10 films
captnspaulding 15 films
Nick FW 10 films
Mjone77 9 films
SeitanicSamurai 10 films
anomitra 12 films
Ryan Terry 15 films
madi 17 films
Kate 🎃⚰️ 10 films
zakaby 11 films
Stephen Hanson 10 films
Sam Holdren 10 films
Jake Price 10 films
DamnEnchiladas 10 films
FrancesJa 10 films
P Bauer 10 films
Garrett 11 films
Danny Fain 11 films
David Leeds 8 films
Pate Duncan 10 films
Shǎ guā 12 films
Tulika 8 films
Cata Quez 10 films
Eddie_Kasp 42 films
Veronica 12 films
Sam🌻 10 films
Bram Lam 10 films
Anabel M 12 films
tascha 121 films
Ella Myers 9 films
Manuela 10 films
Daniel Charchuk 10 films
Clearin 10 films
Tucker 10 films
V. Vargas 10 films
Zheddy 10 films
Falko 10 films
keijen 25 films
momokos 9 films
deb 💭 135 films
Caroline 10 films
Matt 10 films
Nosegay 10 films
Andio 20 films
Annikin 10 films
Seth Montpelier 10 films