Holy smoke! It’s Sectember. Listen to the sound of my voice: we want to recruit the best, most memorable films featuring cults, communes, families, secret societies, religious communities (whatever they call themselves, if you’re a true believer you’ll know what we mean). Which ones are on your kill list? Hallmarks may include: a charismatic leader, a tight-knit community, elaborate rituals, odd uniforms, weird dancing, exploitation, sex, drugs, paranoia, tongue clicks. From Roman Catholic laundries to Berlin dance academies, from Summerisle to Gatlin, join us in this wild, wild country.
Most mentioned

Emanuela Betti 29 films

Aaron 23 films

instagram.com/takenbyapicture 𐕣 🅥 X 815 films

Dave Schneider 21 films

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olivia 26 films

Kyle 68 films

Ivan 10 films

Zach 10 films

Nick FW 10 films

Mariner35 77 films

Ann Catherine Hughes 32 films

christopher 10 films

Patrick_Z 10 films

AronDanburg 10 films

DonJohn80 10 films

Zayne 10 films

Andreas K 20 films

krouchrm 17 films

Or 🎬🏴☠️✨ 8 films

Dyllan Wayman 10 films

Em 10 films

PinBoi 3 films

Shadowg 7 films

Robert Shupe 10 films

Danny Fain 11 films

vidence 10 films

Jake Price 10 films

Niall Hassett 10 films

Sam Holdren 14 films

Stephen Hanson 14 films

Cirnei 12 films

Blaze the Action Junkie 10 films

aaron 4 films

jph139 20 films

kierstonwoodley 10 films

JTFX 10 films

yoyomiso 20 films

Benjamin Luke Mitchell 25 films

elvisisking 10 films

Kelly W 25 films

Kenneth_C 15 films

Gilliland Hobbs 10 films

Greg James 14 films

Reuben Kolb 16 films

DamnEnchiladas 10 films

Davormkd 10 films

Kate 🎃⚰️ 20 films

Rod T 10 films

Jordan 15 films

David Carroll 10 films

AngryMarmot 40 films

Leah Crocker 10 films

David Wall 25 films

Seth Montpelier 10 films

amyableamy 10 films

tut_tut 11 films

Jon_Kissel 10 films

mangeymaggie 10 films

funnybair 2 films

openroad 10 films

Buzz 16 films

Sabba 10 films

vsydorov 15 films

hildisvin 10 films

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Kate 🎃⚰️ 15 films

Clearin 10 films

Stephanie 10 films

Lauren Stoolfire 10 films

Nosegay 10 films

Paul Dilger 10 films

rsq2000 10 films

Ashton 𖤐 18 films

LinkBtwnGames 2 films

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Julie 34 films

V. Vargas 11 films

Courtland Funke 5 films

Vinícius Souza 25 films

H. Marino 10 films

Alex 2 films

Kristina 10 films

AnnDrewKneeMan 24 films

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