The most grotesque Showdown yet slithers into town for spooky szn. The thing about body horror is it can be icky and disgusting, sure, but also funny, beautiful, queer, camp and cool. So get your scanners out, enter the void, and list your favorite brood of body-horror films, whether they feature the skin you live in, or the best prosthetics ever created. From eraserheads to vagina dentata, iron men to melting men, human flies to human centipedes, raise hell with your ten best tales of transformation.
Most mentioned 𐕣 🅥 X 841 films
Majoofi 22 films
alex 27 films
Patrick_Z 10 films
JACK$ON 10 films
LostEmpire 14 films
Amanda 🐼 7 films
Zayne 10 films
Rod T 10 films
Jay Dubberly 10 films
Leandro Guerra 47 films
Jordan 10 films
Marcus Pagliarulo 10 films
funnybair 8 films
Niall Hassett 10 films
sam 💤 92 films
Stephen Hanson 11 films
Sean Erickson 16 films
Dielfo 13 films
Nosegay 10 films
Benjamin Luke Mitchell 41 films
Kenneth_C 10 films
DamnEnchiladas 20 films
Rick 10 films
Stephen 10 films
niylah 21 films
Eddie_Kasp 44 films
Davormkd 10 films
R. Saputra 10 films
Matthew Hamrick 10 films
Lauren Stoolfire 10 films
Greg James 17 films
Jake Price 10 films
Paul 48 films
Nick FW 10 films
V. Vargas 10 films
JTFX 10 films
Kearin Green 🎡 9 films
Jeff Rollins 10 films
Soiled Celluloid 10 films
Jon_Kissel 10 films
jph139 20 films
delfi2993 15 films
em laurie 5 films
Rubie 11 films
Angelo Cordeiro 10 films
BryceWC 7 films
Lexi 10 films
Coplmun 8 films
DonJohn80 10 films
Andreas K 10 films
Elya 🦈 10 films
Zheddy 10 films
scottzelligan 10 films
gartenlaub 10 films
Dawnorak 20 films
bridget 10 films
Shadowg 5 films
AronDanburg 10 films
Alfa Labarca 1 film
Julps2 10 films
Iknow 10 films
Joel Blunt 10 films
Nichtsbesondern 26 films
Kendall Beachey 8 films
EmilyAvocado 10 films
yoyomiso 25 films
The Surge! 11 films
David Leeds 10 films
Kyle Bailey 10 films
Seth Montpelier 10 films
Patrick Taylor 10 films
Justin 10 films
Andreas Mortensen 20 films
Chainmail_B 11 films
Lydie 💜 1 film
Slashley_G 15 films
Bryan Espitia 10 films
Robert Berlin 10 films
AngryMarmot 122 films
Tucker 11 films
Mandel 🎥👻 10 films
ElNapalmo 35 films
Andio 10 films
martinmo 10 films
eyeballqueen 10 films
Dyllan Wayman 10 films
Lord 11 films
joel 10 films
Adam William 10 films