You’ve kept all the receipts and it’s payback time: vengeance is the name of this Showdown’s game. Take justice into your own hands, round up the thirteen assassins and stock the deep-freeze with ice, ’cos the Equalizer wants to serve this dish cold. Whether it happens between nine and five or in the bedroom, revenge is a pan-genre storytelling force—spanning everything from noir to horror, action to comedy, not to mention Bergman—so it shouldn’t take long to draw up a hit list of your ten favorite movies with a vendetta. Carter, Carrie and the Count of Monte Cristo are keeping tabs. Pass the hard candy, we’re taking the low road.
Most mentioned

Carleigh Smith 92 films

Alexander Stahl Jensen 20 films

Tessa 17 films

Shawn Stubbs 102 films

Film Aesthetics 31 films

Shawn Bird 10 films

Daniel Eng 20 films

Leandro Guerra 46 films

olivia 50 films

Didgeridoodoo 16 films

Holerbot6000 13 films

Ivan 10 films

Zerfer 🍺 535 films

Forrest With2Rs 10 films

Katherine Rakadroka 27 films

Musa Chaudhry 10 films

Keith Adams Jr. 10 films

Cinemartian 10 films

Neal Cross 10 films

JTFX 10 films

ichibata 10 films

B S 10 films

Lillie Connell 15 films

Aaron 20 films

ykg 37 films

kd539 10 films

Pascal Nexx 10 films

Dániel Hári 10 films

Andio 20 films

Daniel 10 films

MarculescuToo 15 films

Stephen Hanson 11 films

jph139 20 films

Clearin 10 films

Lena Vinta 10 films

Matthew Goddard 10 films

Christian Otten 10 films

srdas 10 films

Kyle Bailey 10 films

george_kaplan 10 films

Fannar Kristinsson 10 films

Nosegay 10 films

gartenlaub 20 films

Thibaut 9 films

Hitchcock Barbie 10 films

Nicolas 20 films

okrc (J.Arturo) 10 films

Kurosawa 10 films

LostEmpire 29 films

Aspiefuck 10 films

P Bauer 10 films

V. Vargas 10 films

christopher 10 films

EmilyAvocado 8 films

Em 6 films

Karishma 10 films

Kenneth_C 20 films

Rory 10 films

helena 12 films

Logan 10 films

G a y a n 17 films

Coplmun 16 films

AirSabe 10 films

Patrick_Z 10 films

PlaguDocta 10 films

Nick FW 10 films

PF4Eva 53 films

Stephanie 7 films

Mingus28 10 films

Rod T 10 films

krouchrm 30 films

TB14 10 films

aleeriza 10 films

Jeff Estrada 20 films

Ryan 29 films

Vinícius Souza 10 films

Sabba 10 films

Flicks With Friends 10 films

hamidrg2000 10 films

Daniel Eng 15 films

openroad 5 films

Daniel Charchuk 25 films

Brandon Freels 10 films

David Leeds 7 films

Danny Fain 12 films

Will 50 films

Chainmail_B 29 films

Kyle 11 films

Easy_Andy 10 films

Niall Hassett 10 films