It’s the final Showdown of the year, and before we enter the world of tomorrow we want to celebrate the very best in independent animation. Leaving the big guns aside for a minute (Disney, Pixar, yes, even Ghibli—we’ll celebrate all the anime on another beautiful day), gather up the raw data on your favorite, small-scale indie animation, stop-motion magic, pencil textures, watercolor effects, 2D delights and other hand-made wonders from this fantastic planet of ours. From one-person projects to small production houses, shorts or features, bring out the memorable tale of tales, snails, monkey’s teeth, idiots and angels, and hedgehogs in the fog. PS: if anything happens, I love you.
Most mentioned
CharlesJimenez 18 films 𐕣 🅥 X 283 films
Eduardo Antunes 17 films
Sam D 11 films
Mariner35 10 films
idksorry 60 films
Frogge 11 films
Noah 11 films
Katherine Rakadroka 20 films
Jake Price 5 films
Kabir 11 films
Eduardo Ramírez 35 films
djaha 10 films
Cameron M. 11 films
Seth Montpelier 10 films
okrc (J.Arturo) 10 films
Zane 10 films
Ryan Terry 15 films
Cody F. Schmidt 10 films
Josh Hickey 6 films
Stallings 10 films
Kyle Bailey 10 films
Erkki Lindpere 10 films
Tudor123 10 films
Adam Butterworth 10 films
John Barlow 24 films
Matthias_S 10 films
Shadowg 5 films
Andreas K 10 films
David 25 films
Davormkd 10 films
Jamie Nicholson 11 films
notapasta 22 films
Simon 10 films
Danny Fain 10 films
Jordan 9 films
Nichtsbesondern 41 films
JTFX 10 films
Nole A. 10 films
hamidrg2000 10 films
Em 10 films
Fajar_Dhani 6 films
Alyn Shao 12 films
srdas 7 films
G a y a n 14 films
Paolo Alfar 10 films
Phill Hill 12 films
Mike Myers 10 films
funnybair 2 films
Laure 8 films
martinmo 8 films
TB14 10 films
Jeff Estrada 15 films
Tucker 10 films
joeythemovieguy 8 films
Stephanie 10 films
NatesTakes 10 films
schylerb 9 films
H. Marino 13 films
arbudu 7 films
Nosegay 10 films
Niall Hassett 10 films
Ezra The Worst 29 films
Overmayor 10 films
Dyllan Wayman 10 films
Superdorkmark 9 films
Gumby Badger 10 films
Zheddy 9 films
Brian 14 films
P Bauer 8 films
kjkirk 10 films
Chris Coke 10 films
V. Vargas 10 films
Joana Pinela Damas 11 films
PinBoi 10 films
Kyle 3 films
Flicks With Friends 10 films
Shǎ guā 20 films
Forrest With2Rs 10 films
Ryan 10 films
Christopher Tempas 8 films
Niels Harpøth 19 films
Jacob Powell 13 films
Jan Bross 16 films
Kebbin 10 films
Sergey Rogovtsev 10 films
Natalia 10 films
Oscar 20 films
Jacob Harris 10 films
yesbirdscanski 24 films