You’re among friends. For the last ‘official’ Women in Horror Month (’cos why restrict it to a month when we got trouble erry day?), this is the invitation to throw out the lure and list your ten favorite horror films directed by womxn. Ravenous? When your twelve-hour shift is done, we’ll see you in the blood diner near dark for some raw treats. It’ll be a night to dismember. Don’t keep us in suspense!
Under the Skin
Best womxn-directed horror films
Add a list or tag with showdown:womxnhorror
Most mentioned
Jimi R 11 films
Gabriela Gioia 457 films
Frankie H 81 films
Godard_Knocks 3 films
Vivid_ 14 films
Stephen Hanson 10 films
Rod T 9 films
RepoJack 10 films
Cody F. Schmidt 10 films
Nichtsbesondern 20 films
Em 8 films
JTFX 7 films
Mr. DuLac 10 films
JJ Gittes 10 films
Zayne 10 films
Matthew 10 films
Garrett 9 films
Kate 20 films
GraveRobert 17 films
Phill Hill 10 films
Erkki Lindpere 10 films
Nick FW 10 films
TB14 7 films
LRSVDR 11 films
Sabba 7 films
Daniela 19 films
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Ben Mehlman 9 films
Zach Lefeber 10 films
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Seth Montpelier 10 films
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Ryan Stockstad 11 films
AronDanburg 10 films
Matthias_S 10 films
John Quinn 12 films
James Curtiss 10 films
nathan1010 10 films
Pere Tubert Juhé 18 films
Lena Vinta 10 films
Stephanie 5 films
Zheddy 10 films
Kate 🎃⚰️ 13 films
isabella 8 films
🎥 Lumos 💀 👽 Lightsaber 🎬 10 films
Valdac 10 films
aobh 30 films
V. Vargas 10 films
Jake Price 8 films
Nina Bey 10 films
cait83 8 films
funnybair 2 films
David Hollingsworth 11 films
Harry Ford 10 films
Fajar_Dhani 8 films
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FrancesJa 10 films
exorcismemily 10 films
niylah 10 films
munhoz 5 films
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Iknow 10 films
kaylee! 9 films
G a y a n 10 films
dadgumblah 5 films
Eddie_Kasp 18 films
Jennifer Moline 11 films
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Zachary 10 films
openroad 2 films
Leandro Guerra 34 films
Horror Spotlight 10 films
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Madfrieza 12 films
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folha_leaf 9 films
PF4Eva 57 films
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hessli 5 films
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