Bruce Willis’s too-early retirement has us reflecting on the distinctive qualities of the greatest action movie heroes. We’re not talking Marvel/DC superheroes, but the business end of the action spectrum: the get-it-done types, reluctant heroes, supercops, and wrong-place-right-time everymen and women. They get back what’s been taken, speed through rush hour while under siege, before making the great escape. It’s judgment day: list your top ten action stars, representing each by your favorite film in which they appear first in the Letterboxd cast list—because vengeance is all you have left. (The results of this Showdown will be calculated based on the first-billed actor in each film. Films in your list that have a first-billed actor you’ve already included will be ignored.)
Most mentioned
Shawn Bird 30 films
Luigui 10 films
Hank_Chinaski 998 films
Kyle 50 films
AronDanburg 10 films
Haukay 10 films
Andrew 10 films
djaha 1 film
The_Ghoul 10 films
Zayne 10 films
jph139 15 films
Jamie Ragins 10 films
Andrew Franklin 10 films
Gil 10 films
DonJohn80 10 films
Travis D. Johnson 10 films
Robert Speewack Bojorquez 10 films
ozmodiar 10 films
Keegan MacReady 10 films
openroad 9 films
Kent Graham 10 films
Ethan 38 films
BetteBookshop 8 films
Josh 10 films
Ross Bonaime 10 films
Dylan 10 films
atelo420 10 films
Badams97 10 films
Oscar 10 films
Joe Wilson 10 films
preisman 10 films
timalmond 10 films
Josias Troyer 10 films
Gumby Badger 10 films
Max Rockatansky 10 films
Kabir 10 films
John Hensler 10 films
Survivorfan 10 films
JTFX 10 films
Danny Fain 5 films
Bryant 10 films
Or 🎬🏴☠️✨ 10 films
Tony Pellum 10 films
Stanley 10 films
Kyle 13 films
Robert Parker 30 films
Tom 10 films
6822222 10 films
G a y a n 14 films
Rod T 10 films
John O'Callaghan 10 films
Mike 10 films
Rysio 10 films
TB14 10 films
Keshav Srinivasan 10 films
nathan 10 films
Daniel Kuritskiy 10 films
Niall Hassett 10 films
Amelia 7 films
Adam T 10 films
Davormkd 10 films
Ethan C. F. 🐇 10 films
Franzi 9 films
Mujid Khan 10 films
Tom 14 films
Charlotte 6 films
H. Marino 11 films
Bryden Doyle 10 films
Jonathan Fallert 16 films
Overmayor 10 films
V. Vargas 10 films
CatmanStruthers 10 films
Stephen Hanson 12 films
🌹 Jackson Pauls 16 films
Sam Holdren 16 films
Gadnuk 10 films
michelle grondine 24 films
Joseph 10 films
Chris Coke 10 films
Torsten Odenthal 10 films
PF4Eva 10 films
Jeff Estrada 10 films
Paul Buttle 10 films
d0ggie 10 films
Alec Toombs 10 films
Daniel DiFrancesco 10 films
Heisenbergbad 10 films
Flicks With Friends 11 films
Jack 8 films
David Leeds 11 films