This Showdown preys on the days of future past: the great and powerful films that came after the main event—whether that event was also a film, television series, novel, comic or song—and took us back to the beginning while continuing the story*. Get your army of thieves together, open the ouija board, and start listing the ten best prequels, origin stories, sequels-with-flashbacks, and rises-to-power of infamous characters. If your choices don’t make the final destination, hey, better luck tomorrow and see you on the ride back. (*Reboots count only if they include otherwise unexplored origin stories.)
Most mentioned
Matt Greene 25 films
DYL 10 films
Kyle 41 films
Chris Coke 10 films
Maciej Hutt 2 films
Rod T 10 films
Josias Troyer 10 films
PF4Eva 10 films
Davormkd 10 films
jph139 10 films
Phill Hill 10 films
Josh Hickey 10 films
Robert Shupe 10 films
Kent Graham 10 films
Niall Hassett 10 films
John Chadwick 43 films
Andrew Franklin 24 films
Robert Speewack Bojorquez 10 films
Danny Fain 5 films
Typical_Ange 7 films
michelle grondine 37 films
DonJohn80 10 films
Travis D. Johnson 5 films
Adam T 9 films
nathan 10 films
Link Copp-Millward 10 films
TheBlackLash 18 films
Jamie Ragins 10 films
Rachel Mac 10 films
deathmaumau 9 films
Samy 10 films
Dharma 9 films
J_NC 10 films
Joseph 10 films
Mitch K. 11 films
Ian 8 films
James Jones 10 films
Tom!! 🚀 10 films
corde contreras 12 films
Mujid Khan 8 films
Troy Cornett 10 films
Mr_RichGuest 7 films
Jack Burton 10 films
TB14 10 films
Ethan 10 films
Jeff Estrada 20 films
Matt Knaggs 10 films
Bobby 10 films
Keith Adams Jr. 10 films
nmrose 9 films
aidan mcshane 10 films
Travis McClain 10 films
Wynand Olivier 10 films
David Sanborn 10 films
Greg Mitchell 10 films
Julia ✨ 10 films
Josh 10 films
Simon 11 films
Cassidy Gonzales 10 films
Tom 10 films
Thom Robinson 4 films
Gnatz 4 films
Victor Buharov 10 films
Quittiie 10 films
Kenneth_C 10 films
SacherTortoise 11 films
Shane Barlow 10 films
AronDanburg 10 films
Daniel 10 films
Rysio 10 films
Tomasz Jankiewicz 8 films
John Williams 10 films
Flicks With Friends 10 films
elvisisking 10 films
Seth Montpelier 10 films
Guilherme Simões Reis 13 films
FattyMcGee 10 films
CatmanStruthers 10 films
Kyle Bailey 10 films
bcalitri 8 films
Logan Desris 10 films
Isha 🦕 10 films
Guilherme Simões Reis 16 films
The_Ghoul 10 films
Drew_Reviews 10 films
NightCrow 10 films
Justin Joseph Hall 10 films
Germano Dutra Jr 10 films
scott marvel 19 films
C.F. Hellinger 10 films