Movie hair gets a lot of attention, and not always for the right reasons. But for all the bad wigs we fixate on, there are many more luscious locks, terrific toupées and radical rugs that become the key to a complete character. To celebrate the hard-working wigmakers and hair designers who bring our favorite characters to life, comb through your faves and get to the root of the ten best film hairdos, wigs or otherwise (if it’s good, it should be hard to tell). Remember to specify which character you’re nominating in your list notes!
Most mentioned 𐕣 🅥 X 163 films
Kyle 43 films
nathan 40 films
Ricky 10 films
walkermargaret 20 films
Typical_Ange 3 films
cloni99 10 films
Nina Uhl 10 films
Ben Butler 10 films
JackShep 10 films
Charles O'Grady 8 films
Sam Holdren 12 films
Guilherme Simões Reis 14 films
Jamie Ragins 10 films
Michael Atlan 3 films
LRSVDR 19 films
Kabir 7 films
Josh Benefield 10 films
bas2804 21 films
TB14 10 films
okrc (J.Arturo) 11 films
Danny Fain 10 films
AronDanburg 10 films
Hanna “Cannon” Colm 8 films
Eduardo Ramírez 28 films
Stephen Hanson 12 films
michelle grondine 24 films
Thom Robinson 10 films
Danielle 10 films
Gil 12 films
Emma Wollan 10 films
y0zora 10 films
Stanley 20 films
Wynand Olivier 10 films
Robert Shupe 10 films
PF4Eva 10 films
Stefan 10 films
Niall Hassett 10 films
steve_bennett 10 films
Andrew Franklin 14 films
dilkas 10 films
Kent Graham 10 films
Melissa 76 films
denzehl torres 12 films
mr_community69 1 film
Clarissa Thorne 46 films
Tomasz Jankiewicz 8 films
Jules 8 films
Kenneth_C 10 films
SacherTortoise 10 films
J_NC 10 films
SacherTortoise 10 films
Kyle Bailey 15 films
RussellsMullet 6 films
Travis LaBrucherie 10 films
Link Copp-Millward 10 films
Cody F. Schmidt 10 films
Troy Cornett 10 films
Robert Speewack Bojorquez 10 films
Patrick_Z 10 films
TheBlackLash 19 films
ZippeyKeys12 10 films
ecarsonbelden 10 films
Isha 🦕 10 films
openroad 4 films
scott marvel 10 films
Flicks With Friends 10 films
Patrick Stonecipher 8 films
Nathael Molaison 35 films
elvisisking 14 films
Adam T 8 films
makalynn? 11 films
Amarillion 7 films
FilmiesNick 10 films
kutyataar 6 films
John Chadwick 74 films
Travis D. Johnson 10 films
Laura 5 films
Andrew Roberts 10 films
Katernip☭ 18 films
Nairn Peters 10 films
euan2 5 films
Andra van der Burg 10 films
sigado 10 films
Jack Burton 10 films
chanedoglax 10 films
rawry3 10 films
Daagoon Reviews 20 films
🌹 Jackson Pauls 10 films