Trapped, wrecked, driven to despair, longing to hear the human voice: this Showdown celebrates the glorious castaways—those behind the wall where all is lost and the gravity of the situation has set in. What are the best, largely sole-performer films buried within cinema history? We’ll allow other (on-screen) actors as long as most of the runtime involves just a single character, whether they’re on Mars, the Moon or in the wild. It’s time to come out of the shallows, go inside and locke the door for 127 hours, or however long it takes you to duel over the ten greatest solo screen performances of all time.
Most mentioned 𐕣 🅥 X 202 films
Daniel N. Butler 10 films
Kyle 28 films
Ian Casocot 163 films
SpeedLancer 129 films
Alvaro D. Ruiz 15 films
Josias Troyer 10 films
vavu95 16 films
okrc (J.Arturo) 10 films
J_NC 10 films
LibraryLad 10 films
Fannar Kristinsson 13 films
Adam T 11 films
NotJSharp 10 films
Daniel N. Butler 10 films
Stanley 16 films
TB14 10 films
E.M. Lees 10 films
Those Eyebrows 18 films
Ben Butler 10 films
Flicks With Friends 10 films
AronDanburg 10 films
Guilherme Simões Reis 17 films
JTFX 10 films
michelle grondine 20 films
John Chadwick 14 films
Travis LaBrucherie 10 films
LRSVDR 10 films
Thom Robinson 10 films
Kabir 9 films
Jamie Ragins 10 films
murfballs 7 films
filmplanet 20 films
Nicholas 4 films
NtFromThisWorld 7 films
Tomasz Jankiewicz 8 films
Kyle Bailey 10 films
Wynand Olivier 10 films
PF4Eva 7 films
Alyn Shao 5 films
Sabba 7 films
Amarillion 6 films
Kent Graham 10 films
Jason Aiello 4 films
Robert Speewack Bojorquez 10 films
Nora 8 films
X_modem 10 films
openroad 12 films
Niklas 🎞️ 8 films
nathan 52 films
scott marvel 10 films
SacherTortoise 10 films
Trevor H 10 films
pramitheus 10 films
DonJohn80 10 films
Jason B 6 films
Troy Cornett 10 films
Leah Crocker 10 films
MathisApparicio 10 films
MateriaReactor 10 films
Tom 10 films
Mariana Simas 10 films
Cynthia Ward 4 films
COTCritiques 14 films
Travis D. Johnson 10 films
Drei 10 films
Mostly Villains 12 films
Cecília 6 films
Jake Declan 8 films
kvn_dvn 31 films
tmcms 3 films
mooveefan 10 films
Phil Wheeler 12 films
mitchm 10 films
Ohsick 10 films
Jeff Estrada 20 films
Christian Picken 4 films
preisman 10 films
Brendan O'Keeffe 5 films
Seth Montpelier 10 films
Curran 31 films
Lowbacca 6 films
John Quinn 1 film
Liantener - José Carbajal 11 films
TheGracken 10 films
Robert Parker 4 films
Dharma 10 films
Godard_Knocks 4 films
generic orange soda 🍊 2 films
Erwan Ticheler 10 films