The hills have eyes, and they’re watching us take the descent into le trou. It’s time to wake in fright and round up ten of the filthiest favorites you ever saw for this Showdown. Grime-ridden films that feel like they were pulled directly from the mud, steeped in squalid art direction, populated by the malignant scum of the earth. Tales of ordinary madness in motel hell, of trainspotters and cruisers, worm eaters and greasy stranglers. Alive or evil dead, trapped in a house of 1,000 corpses and devil’s rejects. What would you have us come and see? We’ll pay with the wages of fear, by Gummo. BYO hard candy.
Most mentioned

b. weird 39 films

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amelia 48 films

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Burger 10 films

Drew 10 films

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treemang 10 films

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jared 10 films

vavu95 32 films

Drew G 10 films

Adam T 10 films

Joshua Grossi 14 films

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