The meal scene is a setting staple of cinema: it’s where Carol thanked Therese for returning her glove, where Mr. Pink refused to tip, where we got to know the ill-fated crew of the Nostromo. At this week’s Showdown, there’s room at the table for everyone: cooks, thieves, wives, lovers; Beatriz, Andre, Babette. Open up the menu and take your pick from the mushroom omelet or ram-don, but remember that it’s not necessarily about the food itself with the list of ten films you’re about to cook up: it’s about the discreet charm of drama, whether it’s at breakfast, lunch or dinner. As such, we’re sending out the invitation to Beetlejuice (“Day-o!”), Greta Gerwig in 20th Century Women (“Menstruation!”) and essentially every Toni Collette character (“I am your MOTHER!”). Go on—eat, drink, men and women!
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