From Cinema Rediscovered 2023 Film Critics’ Workshop, The Lonely Underground by Cameron Mumford is a video essay commission in response to the 7th edition of the festival.
Cameron Mumford recently completed their MLitt in Film Studies at the University of St Andrews. They have a particular interest in queerness and the horror genre, having written their MLitt dissertation on queerness in modern horror and how that subverts and plays with many of Robin Wood’s ideas about the horror genre and its relationship to those that society represses. They also adapted many of the dissertation’s central ideas into a video essay, putting Séance and Bit into conversation.
"With this video essay I wanted to juxtapose footage from Variety, Kamikaze Hearts, and Midnight Cowboy against more romanticised depictions of American Cities (New York, San Fransisco, Seattle) from the same period. Through this juxtaposition, I wanted to emphasise how, through aesthetics and sound, these more grounded films present a very lonely and isolated version of these cities, and encourage "another way of seeing"." Cameron Mumford