Niklas 🎞️

Niklas 🎞️ Patron

Favorite films

  • Run Lola Run
  • Harakiri
  • Desperado
  • Perfect Days

Recent activity

  • The Whale


  • The Wages of Fear


  • Dan in Real Life


  • The House That Screamed


Recent reviews

  • The Whale

    The Whale


    "The Whale" is unfortunately poorly written and essentially just a mediocre melodrama about a dysfunctional family that superficially incorporates the theme of religion.

    Additionally, there's the eating disorder aspect, which feels like an attempt to distract from the weak writing. Unfortunately, it comes across as very striking. I'm not referring to the severity of the portrayal, as that reflects real-life struggles and adds weight to the story, but rather to Charlie's personality. Apart from his kindness, which seems flawless, his…

  • Dan in Real Life

    Dan in Real Life


    While the label says "family," there's not much depth in terms of family dynamics. It mostly serves to add more substance to Dan's situation, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

    After all, this is a typical American romance affair with stars like Carell. The romances are pleasantly uncomplicated, and the film relies on cheap dramatic devices like love triangles intertwined with family themes or a widowed protagonist with three daughters.

    As for this type of film, I'd place "Dan in Real Life" somewhere in the middle. It's definitely comforting if you're looking for some light romance entertainment.

Popular reviews

  • The Last Voyage of the Demeter

    The Last Voyage of the Demeter


    The other day I read somewhere that Vlad the Impaler (who, as we know, gave his name to Stoker's character Dracula) probably had a disease that made him bleed from his eyes. That may sound a bit harsh, but that's what he would have done here. Not from emotionality but rather boredom.

    Fortunately it was the last Voyage of the Dementer.

    In the novel, Dracula's journey across the water is probably one of the most atmospheric passages, and in the…

  • Sausage Party

    Sausage Party


    🍽️ Community Speisekarte πŸƒ

    Obwohl das Grundkonzept von "Sausage Party" recht simpel und banal ist, halte ich es dennoch fΓΌr eine recht amΓΌsante Idee. Allerdings wurde diese Idee nur teilweise gut umgesetzt. Es gibt zwar einige witzige Szenen, aber es gibt auch Momente, in denen es so wirkt, als wΓΌrde man einen vor fΓΌnf Minuten gehΓΆrten Witz erneut aufwΓ€rmen. Genau genommen ist der gesamte Film nur ein einziger Witz, und das allein reicht in "Sausage Party" nicht aus, um den…