Selection of the month: Speed variations

Slow motion is the silence of speed.

Jean-Luc Godard

In April, LaCinetek explores the time of movement!
It took time to fix the film at 24 frames per second and reproduce as closely as possible the natural fluidity of movement. Playing with the speed of film means shattering this initial illusion and working on the very material of cinema, to experiment with all its formal possibilities. By revealing what would not be visible at its nominal speed, the use of slow motion or speeding up gives us a new way of seeing bodies, their movements, the energy and emotions that run through them.

The films in the subscription this month: 

The Sea Horse, The Octopus, The Vampire, How Some Jellyfish Are Born, Acera, or the Witches Dance directed by Jean Painlevé

Ce qui me meut directed by Cédric Klapisch

The Great Ecstasy of Woodcarver Steiner directed by Werner Herzog

Paranoid Park directed by Gus Van Sant

Fireworks directed by Takeshi Kitano

Drunken Master directed by Yuen Woo-ping

The Things of Life directed by Claude Sautet

Melancholia directed by Lars Von Trier

Funeral Parade of Roses directed by Toshio Matsumoto

Man with a Movie Camera directed by Dziga Vertov

Every Man for Himself directed by Jean-Luc Godard