Shikhar Verma

Shikhar Verma Pro

Favorite films

  • Happy Together
  • Return to Seoul
  • About Dry Grasses
  • The Zone of Interest

Recent activity

  • Princess Mononoke


  • An Egypt Affair


  • All India Rank


  • Do Aur Do Pyaar


Recent reviews

  • Princess Mononoke

    Princess Mononoke


    Princess Mononoke is thematically loaded, but it feels like I couldn't really connect to it the way I wanted to. I gues I am more of a Totoro kind of Ghibhil fan.

  • An Egypt Affair

    An Egypt Affair


    Marlin Darrah’s β€˜An Egypt Affair’ is the next film in a long production line that has taken the director to many different countries. While watching the film, you can gauge that his intention is to take you to these places with him. However, the filmmaker in him does not understand what makes these stories about vacations gone wrong really click. What we have here is a film that is so lazily patched together that you can see through all the…

Popular reviews

  • Control



    The colour scheme is fuckin' black & white, and they fuckin' speak as if there's a golden shite. The fuckin' movies are all overblown, the fuckin' powers and all those fuckin' guns. The fuckin' people are fuckin' stupid, they fuckin' talk as if they know it.

    The fuckin' music is fuckin' fucked, what sadness can give, not a fuckin' thing could. The fuckin' love is fuckin' unreal, with all the fuckin' dance and all them fuckin' seals.

    The fuckin' cigarette is…

  • Blue Jay

    Blue Jay


    "There's nothing wrong with my life. I should be happy. But there's this sadness and I don't know where it comes from."

    A lovely, melancholic stroll down the love that coulda, shoulda, woulda. If you are on a strict - one romantic movie a year diet, make sure that this is the one.Β