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Night Flight

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A scientist creates an elixir that makes dreams come true. Her husband is injected with it and his dream girl, the curvaceous comic-book heroine Jessie, become real, pursued by a cowboy and a super hero. All this plus satire aimed at the Czechoslovak state. Film #1,500 uploaded on Cultpix!
An x-rated adaptation of the classic play and film La Ronde, focused on the exploits of Alice the hooker. A series of vignettes tell the story of Alice and how she loved her trade. The film uses inter-titles, probably used to cover up the lack of sound on all the guerilla shot stuff around L A.
Passions run high in true Carlos Tobalina fashion as a buxom beauty is scorned by her husband of ten years. Excited to be single she decides to experiment on anyone at anytime. This early 1980’s sex flick truly explodes with eroticism.
A tale of a sordid family and their perversely erotic lifestyle, starring the beautiful Tracey Adams in one of her finest performances. Also featuring Eric Edwards, Arcadia Lake, and cinematography by acclaimed filmmaker Carter Stevens.
Elusive crazy Canadian erotic/horror hybrid, about the buxom beauty Countess Sexcula, a horny bride who can’t wait for her ring, and the weird experiments conducted by Dr Fallatingstein. There is a naked picnic, a “girl-on-gorilla” strip tease, and a female pleasure-robot!
Outrageous erotic spoof, where the ape is a female, but captures a man and not Fay Wray. A moonlit night, a battleship collides with a sailboat and leaves a young couple washed up on a prehistoric island with ferocious dinosaurs. Mastered from glorious VHS.
A plantation owner in South America marries a beautiful woman, but a Voodoo curse transforms him into a gorilla-like beast (never mind that gorillas are from Africa). Lon Chaney Jr shot the film in under 10 days, but went on a 4.5 month publicity tour for it.
A hunter has to kill his pet gorilla when it attempts to rape his new bride. Under hypnosis, it's revealed that she was a gorilla in a previous life. She slowly reverts to her former bestial self, and elopes into the jungle with a male ape, with her cuckolded husband staring helplessly after them. Screenplay by Ed Wood Jr.