Fun City Editions

Fun City Editions HQ

Taking its name from the ironic moniker for late 1960s and '70s New York, Fun City Editions is a boutique label focused on reissues of maverick repertory cinema…


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Interesting French revenge flick from the Fun City Editions “Seeing Red” Blu-ray Set. Story concerns a man whose girlfriend is killed in an attack by some thugs at the beginning which sets him off on a mission to track down her killer. While he is pursuing his own leads, the cops are working theirs as we see intermittent flashbacks of the couples’ relationship and how it developed. Builds to a nice climax.

This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

Another solid revenger from the Fun City Editions “Seeing Red” set. This one starts as a bank robbery by three teen punks (two boys and a girl) which they discover has been a setup by another group of thugs to cover a separate heist that they’re doing. The teens don’t take kindly to being played and all but one are taken out by the thugs in the confrontation. The remaining teen joins forces with the estranged mother of the slain…


There is no rage like a mother’s rage. If anything ever happened to my daughter, I would slap on my patent leather trench coat and become the terminator. Nothing could stop me.




Imagine making a low budget kinda industrial-film-looking movie that uses a sexual assault to examine Texas history and gun culture in general in 1983 and somehow keep it relevant for forty years while containing a scene of abuse that for what it lacks in actual physical violence (It is violent, to be sure) more than makes up for it with unctuous genuine matter-of-factness that is just so mentally destructive.

A fascinating combination of slice of life Americana and r*pe-revenge with a heavy dose of political commentary. Subverts the genre beautifully while still maintaining a real stripped back grit and forcefulness. I LOVED it.

Fun City Editions continue to rehabilitate and reissue some really fascinating, very obscure, and occasionally quite challenging films in pristine new versions. I have nearly everything FCE have put out (only missing two, Heartbreakers and Bilitis), and every time I put one on, the one thing I can be certain of is that I will not soon forget what I'm about to watch.

Handgun (also known as Deep In The Heart, but Handgun is the correct title for this piece)…




This movie is something else. 

On its surface, the synopsis reads like a stereotypical rape revenge plot from the 70s, similar sorts of exploitation getting a rise out of drive in viewers. 

Actually watching this turns all of that on its head. 

This movie may be the best depiction of what the United States has done to completely undermine that sexual assault crimes that are found in our homes, let alone those under burned out streetlights and hidden in alleys…

A real hammer!