Waxwork Records is a record label specializing in the release of soundtracks and film scores on vinyl. #horror
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Godzilla Minus One waxworkrecords.com

Body Double to Hit Your Shelves this February! Waxwork Records

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Poor Things Makes Its Debut Waxwork Records

Making a Splatter Vinyl Record Waxwork Records

Monster House - The Perfect Movie to Watch this Halloween Waxwork Records

Barbie Original Score Vinyl Waxwork Records
Waxwork Recommends! 11 films
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Wax World 171 films
Welcome to our Wax World! This is a comprehensive list of all of the films and shows that we have…
2024 Subscription Titles 6 films
Kid-Friendly Horror 7 films
While everyone is bundling up watching Christmas movies, we over at Waxwork Records are watching horror movies. Ever wondered which…
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Recent reviews
It's pretty awesome when the cop gets stabbed in the forehead, I'm not gonna lie. I couldn't bring myself to rate this one at four stars, though. I just think parts 3 and 1 are so much better that I can't put this one on the same level. I didn't think the killer reveal was very interesting or surprising, and I sort of feel like this movie had the worst acting. I did really like the last 30 minutes, however. It was pretty gnarly and I was so into that. Overall, a solid film I just don't think it's as good as its predecessors.
I have to acknowledge that a majority of the top liked reviews for Scream 3 are about Courtney Cox's bangs which has me cracking up. But! Leave the poor woman and her hair alone!
Ok, aside from that, I don't know why everyone dislikes the third movie so much? I think it might be my favorite. There are great cameos and I love the twist when the killer reveals themself. Literally never saw that coming. I also think this is…
I was pretty excited to see Philip Seymour Hoffman in this movie!
Things that stressed me out: Adam Sandler's continuous red flags in a relationship, the absolutely chaotic dialog at times when multiple people were talking at the same time, Adam Sandler's sisters in general, Adam Sandler's anger issues
Things I liked:
It was kiiiiind of romantic, the pudding bit was hilarious, the mystery surrounding the harmonium
I may have liked this movie a little less than other people did. I'm not sure if the hype was just so high that it lessened the movie for me, but I'm still giving it four stars because it was very good.
There's so many theories floating around about which characters were in love with who, and I am so into that. I loved the sexual tension between our main characters. It seemed like they were always on the verge…
Liked reviews
My favorite Courtney cox performance of the franchise because she looks the hottest in this one but scream 3 is much better than 4 fight me
Hard not to get swept up in the hype for Challengers, but boy does it deliver on the premise of a sexy tennis film directed by Luca Guadagnino, one of our most sensuous working filmmakers. Our viewing experience was enhanced by a group of young women who were audibly scandalized by Challenger’s steamiest scenes (particularly the churro chomp) which brought the temperature up in the whole theater.
How can you not get a bit hot and bothered by these leads?…
What are we watching? What are we into around Waxwork HQ? Let's find out!
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