A garbage-only podcast hosted by Dale and Chuck. We have a discord that is full of great folks and you can keep up with Chuck and Dale in…
Bat & Spider Episode Guide

New Bat & Spider Stickers are in the shop! notokayclub.bigcartel.com

139 PRIME TARGET (1991) by BAT & SPIDER anchor.fm

There's a new episode in The Black Castle!
Chuck and I uploaded a new episode for our Ko-fi supporters. We refer to these episodes/Ko-fi as The Black Castle. Folks who support us on Ko-fi are privy to exclusive episodes via a private RSS feed you can plug into any podcast app. Also, if you support us on Ko-fi you have the option of a one-time donation or a monthly recurring donation. In addition to bonus episodes we have private channels in our discord server where we record live…

137 BOG Check it out! 137 BOG

136 MICROWAVE MASSACRE by BAT & SPIDER Happy Holidays! New Ep!


134 GOKU: MIDNIGHT EYE by BAT & SPIDER Episode 134 is LIVE!
Bat & Spider Episode Guide 191 films
The Official Bat & Spider episode guide! The movies in this list are the movies featured on the main feed of…
Hot Ape Summer 3 4 films
Butt & Speedo 4 films
Butt & Speedo was basically our excuse to watch hornball movies while tricking people into thinking we were watching Jason for…
The Black Dungeon 13 films
The Black Dungeon is a show we do for our dearest of supporters. These folks have financially supported us on…
HHH Property Management 13 films
Our side show, HHH Property Management, featured all of the episodes of the mini-series Hammer House of Horror! You can…
Hot Tape Summer 4 films
July 2022 is getting nasty hot. Break out your head cleaner and tape rewinder to try and extend the life…
The Official Bat & Spider episode guide! The movies in this list are the movies featured on the main feed of the podcast. Regular episodes, Tales From the Crypt, and any special releases included! Thanks for your support!