Worldwide VOD streaming for cult, indie, crazy arthouse films from black comedy to genre and from adult animation to absolute nonsense!
Recent Releases

Court Métrange 2022 is streaming on Spamflix
Spamflix is now streaming over 50 unusual and strange shorts in competition at the Court Métrange Festival!

A Turkish delight for Dystopian fans
A superior genre thriller with timely political bite. Loaded with striking visual touches, this atmospheric nerve-jangler tips its hat to David Lynch’s gothic surrealism and David Cronenberg’s squirmy body horror, with pleasing detours into Dario Argento-style lurid giallo mania, too. — The Hollywoord Reporter

Bill Plympton Retrospective streaming on Spamflix
All animated features by Bill Plympton are now streaming on Spamflix with a special Letterboxd offer just for you!

Court Métrange 2021 streaming on Spamflix
For the very first time, the French festival from Rennes, for strange, unusual and fantasy short films extends its borders to the world, by streaming its programme on Spamflix!

Cleaners — Highest Rated Film on Letterboxd is now showing on Spamflix
Cleaners (2019) by Glenn Barit gained quite the following, managing to become the highest rated film on Letterboxd in 2021 and is now streaming on SPAMFLIX!

Jump Into the Void - A forgotten cult classic
Taking off their ski masks, the crew argue whether the policeman they just kidnapped has seen their face, but toughened Alex, the only girl of the bunch, ignores the "pig" (as they call him) in the room and worries instead about her precarious life.

The Untamed now on Spamflix

Technoboss now showing on Spamflix
Produced by Spamflix 1 film
A list of films produced or co-produced by Spamflix
Recent Releases 79 films
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Animation on Spamflix 31 films
All animated films streaming on Some animated shorts are part of Film Festival Shorts Programmes or other compilations.
Black Comedy on Spamflix 59 films
All the black comedies on
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Unconventional Drama 42 films
All unconventional dramas streaming on
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Debut Films on Spamflix 48 films
1st feature length films by handpicked Spamflix auteurs
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Recent reviews
A modern fairy tale that doesn’t shy away from contemporary social issues. From politics to gender inequality, the eponymous hero dribbles us into a sci-fi story with a surrealist touch.
Those expecting a satirical biopic of Portugal own’s Ronaldo or even a film about football, will be left disappointed. Those in need of a nonsensical odyssey about a gullible person with good heart will be enthralled by the twists and turns of the story and of Carloto Cotta’s (Diamantino) performance.
DIAMANTINO proves that there are multiple ways to tackle real-life problems and that everyone has a heart.
Diamantino and other cult films are streaming on
Liked reviews
Commited to the bit in the most genuine way. Above all it's about love of the art of making movies. There isn't one hint of irony here and I love it more for It.
This is exactly my kinda movie. This is glorious especially if you go into it without knowing anything.
PUM! Funniest movie I've seen in a long, long time.
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