A film podcast.
Hosted by @IsaacRamen || @Vivuta
Monolith Filmcast Episode List

Here’s a Headline, Bob Iger: **** Yourself! or Dead Reckoning Part One
Your life will always matter more to me than my own...

My Bizkit is Anything But Limp or Mission: Impossible 1-6
Your mission should you choose to accept it...

Monolith is Back, Molly is Dead, and Miles Morales is Across the Spider-Verse
Let's do this one more time....

It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Later / Also We Watched Thor
They're right behind me, aren't they?

You Kiss Your Father With That Mouth? Or the Jurassic Park Franchise
That is one big pile of shit...
Monolith Filmcast Episode List 88 films
Available on all major podcast platforms! Newest episodes will appear first on this list
Monolith Filmcast’s Top Ten Films of 2022 10 films
Monolith Filmcast's Top Ten Films of 2021 10 films
On the season three finale, the boys journeyed up to Lava Hot Springs, ID to do a special end of…
Episode 69: The Matrix Resurrections 22 films
This week is the last episode of 2021 and we're ending the year by talking about The Matrix Resurrections, the…
Episode 68: Spider-Man: No Way Home 11 films
The wait is finally over, and the latest Spider-Man is finally here! Along with answers to all the questions we've…
Episode 67: The MCU Era Spider-Man 25 films
Our second to last stop before No Way Home! This week we're talking the MCU Spider-Man starring Tom Holland as…
Recent reviews
I’m the only one ere’ mate, so you must be Talkin’ to Me.
I LET YOU IN… to this weeks episode of the Monolith Filmcast! Featuring very special guest and friend of the pod, Brenda! ( letterboxd.com/neutralmilkgirl/ )
This week we Talk to You all about Talk to Me, followed by a discussion on spirituality, and our beliefs around ghosts.
But before that we discuss the latest headlines out of the industry, the Saw X trailer,…
She Barben On My Heimer Until I Learn To Love The Bomb
KABOOM! The film event of the summer is finally upon us, the infamous BARBIE & OPPENHEIMER double feature, and this episode is all about both of them.
We’re joined today by two very special fiends of the pod, Mayumi Handa & Calista Kaleikini, who also joined us for the day long, two movie event.
Did Oppenheimer doom humanity by creating one of humanity’s most heinous and destructive weapons? Did Ken…
She Barben On My Heimer Until I Learn To Love The Bomb
KABOOM! The film event of the summer is finally upon us, the infamous BARBIE & OPPENHEIMER double feature, and this episode is all about both of them.
We’re joined today by two very special fiends of the pod, Mayumi Handa & Calista Kaleikini, who also joined us for the day long, two movie event.
Did Oppenheimer doom humanity by creating one of humanity’s most heinous and destructive weapons? Did Ken…
Here’s a Headline, Bob Iger: **** Yourself! or Dead Reckoning Part One
Everyday we fall further into the dystopia that is our modern world and folks, today is no exception. But hey, we got a big ole’ blockbuster release this past week and that might just numb the pain and overbearing awareness for a little while!
That’s right everyone, the day of RECKONING has come, or at least, part one of it.
We’re joined by a VERY special fan favorite…
My Bizkit is Anything But Limp or Mission: Impossible 1-6
Your mission should you choose to accept it, is to tune in this week for a full review and recap of the Mission: Impossible franchise up to Fallout, along with the typical antics of your hosts.
Hey you! Yeah you! The filthy non pro / patron letterboxd user, oof, we can smell you from here!
Do yourself a favor and freshen up your film card with a nice 20% discount on Letterboxd Pro and Patron accounts using our code: MONOLITH
(Use in a browser, the app doesn’t allow codes)
Monolith is Back, Molly is Dead, and Miles Morales is Across the Spider-Verse
Damn snooze button! Sorry we're late folks, but we're back just in time for this summers PACKED slate of releases. Today we catch up on some missed news, life events, the WGA strike, hype for Barbenheimer, and more!
It’s The Vampire’s Best Interest In It Being Full Of Blood or Barbarian
Isaac and Jake REUNITE on the mics to give the people what they want- a soundboard! And the opening of SEASON 5.
Episode 1 is the two hosts catching up before getting into what may be the best horror movie of 2022: Barbarian.
It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Later / Also We Watched Thor
In the season 4 finale, Isaac and Jake finally reunite (on the air) after a painfully long Covid break. After catching up on what the other has been up to, they review the latest news in the film sphere, before finally ending on what they thought about THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER.
Available on all major podcast platforms!
Newest episodes will appear first on this list