With True Detective vibes and a slow-burn pace, Thunderbird takes you on a harrowing search for a man's sister and the legacy of shame his family left in his town.

Whistler Film Festival 2019: The spirit world is murder in Thunderbird The Georgia Straight

The Interior
A listless young man, upon learning he is ill, leaves his job, girlfriend, and city behind, and ventures alone into the wilderness, bringing his fears and anxieties with him.

Interior, The (2015) Drea Central

The Hermits
A chilling home invasion film in the vein of French Extremity. Check it out now on Tubi!

Les Autarciques Review | Film Reviews UK Film Review

The Slaughter 2022 Review La Mattanza | Italian Slasher Dario Germani #2022 #theslaughter JT's Horror Discussions
North of Main 10 films
New Releases 4 films
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It’s not often you get to mix cosmic Lovecraftian themes with body horror, and in light of that I can strongly recommend Ascension. It’s a nearly perfect low budget movie that starts out tense and ramps up the suspense all the way through until reaching an absolutely unabashedly insane conclusion.
Some of the actors are a bit stilted — I wanted more from Michael Traynor as the father — but Ana Mulvoy Ten has the job of carrying the movie and she’s spectacular. She’s convincing in her panic, her determination, and her self-doubt.
Seek it out if you get a chance.
Please check out my review of Mark David & Mark Elias' Boy Makes Girl by clicking the link below.
Aaron Barnes (Mark Elias) lives with Autism, and the aspect of his life that has suffered the most is his social life. After the passing of his mother, now feeling alone, Aaron wants to find a romantic partner, but just about everyone he’s come in contact with finds him off putting. Boy Makes Girl is the story of just that, Aaron developing an artificial woman with which he can become romantically involved. But every relationship comes with baggage. [more...]
This shit rocks. Loved how the story spends so much time on this guy's life, how much he hates it, and how he just wants to make rap (very bad rap mind you). There's a lot of playfulness in these scenes and everything's kept mostly comedic, setting up nicely for the isolated woodlands we are about to venture into.
The woods are filmed with a ton of love. They look great and I dug how we get the early winter…
Im still a bit shaky after this.
Now the movie is in two parts. First part is like an intro, good dialogue, absurd humor, and we only get the title drop at 25 minutes. The whole movie is 78 minutes long. Now then starts the second part. Middle of woods, one person, no dialogue, really minimalistic, but hes not alone there. It gets really creepy, and theres one absolutely terrifying moment.
Note to self : Need to rewatch.
This was nowhere on my radar until today, when it came from a friend who hadn't even seen the film, but was interested in it. The reviews in general didn't look promising, but a handful of positive responses, and an interesting enough concept, made me give it a shot. The short run time was a plus too.
Well I loved it. The first act is completely different from what I expected (and from the rest of the film). A dark,…
A lean, mean slashing machine of a movie that doesn’t bother with any high concept or meta bullshit and keeps things simple. The Slaughter is stylistic without bending to splashy, giallo-colored lighting. It’s also well-directed and the cast is stronger than you might typically find in a low budget slasher.
The kills are brutal if not excessively gory and its Italian roots are well on display. Fans of Soavi’s Stagefright and other late-in-the-game body count movies should give this pure, unapologetic slasher a shot.
From the director of the recent Anthropophagus II (which I really enjoyed), this is a solid modern Italian slasher! The kills were on point and my heart skipped a beat when I spotted a Zombi 3 poster in a few scenes. The mask reminds me of a creepier version of the one from the Happy Death Day movies. This was rad and it's on Tubi, recommended.