Milestone Film was founded in 1990 by Dennis Doros and Amy Heller to bring out films they love. "We like to fuck with the Canon." Three decades later,…

Nancy Savoca: True Love Stories - Sydney Film Festival Sydney Film Festival

The Overdue Arrival of Nancy Savoca The Reveal

I Am Cuba - 4K - Trailers From Hell Trailers from Hell

🌻 May is a month of movie miracles! Milestone's May 2024 News!

Directed by Ayoka Chenzira - The Criterion Channel Criterion Channel
Milestone Films releases 115 films
Since 1990, Milestone has attempted to broaden the scope of film history, releasing films that have been lost to history…
Favorites of ours 4 films
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For those who want to know the real story of what happened to Paul (the second half of the film is really true) and the making of the film, please see the official press kit here:
We were advised to buy the DVD and watch it as a film comparable to Soy Cuba. Shot around the same time, also with Jean Bouise, and also a dual-country production (this time with France and ICAIC). The cinematography by the great Henri Alekan and the incredible set and costume designs make each and every shot of this film a wild adventure. It is certainly reminiscent in a number of scenes of the work by Urusevsky. Part farce, part social…
This film has some particularly fine acting in the lead role, one really great monologue, and some very good scenes, but it presents no good reason to remake IKIRU. It might have been more interesting to update the film to contemporary times.
Just a spectacular film with tremendous acting, cinematography and editing. Morley’s best film yet.
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"McLuhan would really appreciate this"
I forgot how good that first half is on its own, since that gut punch near the end dominated my memories. There are so many little things going on I think it will grow evene more on me with further rewatches. Powerful stuff and I consider myself very happy to have been able to watch it in cinemas twice now (also that white woman at the beginning is so funny but also so unsetteling at the same time).
as dey say: truth is stranger than fiction
Fascinating portrait of a man in exile that dances on the lines between documentary and narrative film.
Glad to see this restored.
montage des séquences d’amour/danse>>
quand dans les films de fiction la réalité rentre genre funérailles roses >>
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