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What We're Watching!

Controversial Films and things on set
Controversial films and things that happened on set

Akira- A game changer in animation
Akira is one of the most iconic movies ever and is probably THE most iconic anime film. Akira was released in Japan in 1988, and then released globally over the next couple of years, with it gaining both critical and audience acclaim alike. The animation is breath-taking on Akira, especially when you think about how much time went into the movie, with it all being hand drawn. It was the movie to change the perception that all animated films are for…

Nathan's Top 5 Netflix Originals
If you're a fan of Netflix Originals and love discovering new movies to watch, you won't want to miss Nathan's latest podcast episode.

Silence Is Golden-Part 1-History
Movies of today are known for their one-liners, funny dialogue, fast paced action scenes and well renowned soundtracks. Spoken word plays a big part in today’s movie culture however there was a time when it was non-existent. Way back when, actors told the story using only their bodies, their facial expressions and a series of flashcards which were used to highlight the characters and plot of the story. The scripts only consisted of the cast and crew list as well…

The Biggest Movies (Video)
If you're a film fan looking for some great recommendations, you won't want to miss "The Biggest Movies" video by Connor. In this video, Connor dives into the best movies with "Big" in the title, sharing his top picks and providing insightful commentary on each film. Whether you're in the mood for a heartwarming comedy or a gripping drama, "The Biggest Movies" has something for everyone. So sit back, relax, and let Connor guide you through some of the most…
Iona Mackay's top 15 comedy movies 15 films
Hi, I am Iona Mackay and today I’m going to be sharing with you my top 15 comedy movies. If…
Highly Acclaimed movies that Ben thinks are overrated! 10 films
In this article I will talk about high acclaimed movies and popular movies that I’m not a fan of and…
Connor's Art Film Adventure! 5 films
I went into these art films completely blind and had no real idea what an art film was but now…
What We're Watching! 15 films
Films we're watching at the moment!
Top 10 Stephen King Movie Adaptations 10 films
This is my own opinion of the Top 10 Stephen King Movie Adaptations. I have thoroughly enjoyed all of these…
Films That Made us Cry 12 films
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Recent reviews
Superman (1978) is one of the most influential films ever made, leading to a comic book and movie boom. The film still sets a standard and remains unmatched in its portrayal of the character's story. It has influenced directors like James Gunn, who is currently developing his own take on the Man of Steel, and Christopher Nolan, whose Dark Knight trilogy takes inspiration from its grounded portrayal and tragic hero arc. Even films like Sam Raimi's Spider-Man show parallels in…
Dean, Pacino....Paterson.
The Interrogation has a lot going for it. The writing is sharp, the direction is second to none, and the performances are consistantly excellent. That said, make no mistake, Paterson's performance is the real attraction. Endlessly energetic, frequently counter intuitive, and always compelling, one can't help but think we might be seeing the emrgance of a new Nic Cage for the TikTok generation.
"When you least expect it, nature has cunning ways of finding our weakest spot."
- Mr. Perlman
Call Me by Your Name is one of the gentlest, heart-wrenching and painful pieces made in the last decade. The message this story has, the acting, and the cinematography is so simple, yet magical. It has an unbelievable emotional impact on anyone who watches it, no matter who you are, what you believe in, who you identify as, or your sexual orientation, everyone…
Where do you even start with this movie? It’s genuinely so messed up but it’s also such an important movie for many reasons. There was nothing like it before, and 43yrs later there’s been nothing like it since. For a good few reasons I will add. I watched the ‘uncut’ version, which here in the UK is still missing 6 seconds compared to other countries, however I’m not mad about it because the missing footage is a muskrat getting killed,…
Liked reviews
A genuinely funny Netflix special. It’s been a long while.
Very well made documentary. There's some fantastic interviews and information in this one.
When i was around 12yrs old i watched this for the first time and hated it. Wow, how wrong was I? In recent years after multiple rewatches i find it to be one of the best movies ever.
It's so beautiful!! 100% the best use of colour and lighting in history, I can't describe how georgous this really is. The cinematography is absolutely mind blowing, it's the most stylistic movie I've seen, and in my opinion its the best looking…
It sucks that Regal didn't think to Re-Release this next week instead of this week because this would have been a Hell of a Double Feature with 65.
Also, Three Horns are the Conservatives of the Stone Age.
Films we're watching at the moment!